“ Art is
a powerful stimulator of sympathetic insight. Art is
subtle and delicate, and it makes the mind also in its
movements subtle and delicate. It is suggestive, and
the intellect habituated to the appreciation of art
is quick to catch suggestions, mastering not only, as
the scientific mind does, that which is positive and
on the surface, but that which leads to ever fresh widening
and subtilising of knowledge and opens a door into the
deeper secrets of inner nature where the positive instruments
of science cannot take their depth or measure.
Beyond and above this intellectual utility of Art, there
is a higher use, the noblest of all, its service to
the growth of spirituality in the race.....Spirituality
is a wider thing than formal religion and it is in the
service of spirituality that Art reaches its highest
self-expression. “
Sri Aurobindo,’ Lights on Life Problems,’
from God in All Worlds ( 1995 ) by Lucinda
Vardey. Millenium Books.
' True art is an expression of
man's search for a relationship with the spiritual.
No artist would create in his medium if there were not
alive in him impulses springing from the spiritual world.
It cannot be denied that our materialistically oriented
civilization diverts us, in many ways, from the gravity
of art.'
Rudolph Steiner ( 1923 ) The Arts and Their Mission.
Anthroposophic Press.