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Gallery 1

Exhibition 1: 'Meditating on Rock'
Strickland Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania. 1-31st March, 2001

'It is the incredible patience of the artist that you have to admire. Although the pencil has always been recognised as a most formidable instrument, Falk's use of it turns it into a virtuoso's tool.'
Joerg Andersch, The Saturday Mercury, 10 March, 2001

Exhibition 2: 'Reflection, Illusion and Reality'
Strickland Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania. 1-31st December, 2002

'She is one of the finest exponents with the humble pencil. Feast your eyes on this fine assembly of work, which not only shines technically but is also compositionally well structured.'
Joerg Andersch, The Saturday Mercury. 7 December 2002

Exhibition 3: 'Drawing Out the Spirit'
Strickland Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania. 1-31st May, 2005

‘Recognised as one of the foremost exponents....she has enhanced her own reputation.’
Joerg Andersch, The Saturday Mercury, 7 May, 2005

Exhibition 4: ‘ The Life Divine ‘
Petty Sessions Gallery, Franklin, Tasmania. March, April, May 2011


All images © Lisa Falk 2005-2012 These images are not in the public domain and may not be reproduced
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